Here are a list of featured diagrams, showing the kind of things you can do with GitUML.
Sample GitUML Python Repository
These are diagrams from a sample Python GitHub repository which has been set up for testing GitUML's Python parsing capabilities.
You can select this sample repository via the
new diagram wizard
if you want to get started quickly and just have something to play with.
The source code in the repository is not a coherent application, but rather various
modules and classes which exercise the GitUML Python parser, including a mix of Python 2 and Python 3
files to ensure GitUML can handle both flavours of Python.
This example shows how GitUML can visualise
* inheritance
* association
* association with one to many
* modules containing classes
The one to many is had to detect. GitUML scans Python source code for
".append" operations and deduces its a one to many.
This example shows how GitUML can visualise the command design pattern.
There are some unit tests in the same module, which are also visualised.
Ask somebody in the building industry to visually communicate the architecture
of a building and you'll be presented with site plans, floor plans, elevation
views, cross-section views and detail drawings. In contrast, ask a software
developer to communicate the softwar…
These are diagrams from a sample Python GitHub repository which has been set up for testing GitUML's Python parsing capabilities. You can select this sample repository via the new diagram wizard if you want to get started quickly and just have something to play with.
The source code in the repository is not a coherent application, but rather various modules and classes which exercise the GitUML Python parser, including a mix of Python 2 and Python 3 files to ensure GitUML can handle both flavours of Python.