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Featured Diagrams

Here are a list of featured diagrams, showing the kind of things you can do with GitUML.

Sample GitUML Python Repository

#29 classic inheritance, multiplicity etc s…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * inheritance * association * association with one to many * modules containing classes The one to many is had to detect. GitUML scans Python source code for ".append" operations and deduces its a one to many.
#194 multiple inheritance
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * multiple inheritance
#195 command pattern - design pattern
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample design pattern
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise the command design pattern. There are some unit tests in the same module, which are also visualised.

Public Diagrams by Others

#2136 multiple inheritance copy
Created by: None   private
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * multiple inheritance
#287 Untitled sample_python_uml
Created by: None   private
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
#44 C4_Container Diagram Sample - techtribe…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: c4 architecture
Description: Ask somebody in the building industry to visually communicate the architecture of a building and you'll be presented with site plans, floor plans, elevation views, cross-section views and detail drawings. In contrast, ask a software developer to communicate the softwar…