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Featured Diagrams

Here are a list of featured diagrams, showing the kind of things you can do with GitUML.

TodoMVC Related

#181 MVCA-architecture
Created by: admin   published
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: ## MVCA Architectural Pattern The TodoMVC-OO project fully implements the TodoMVC specification. It is implemented without a framework, using plain Object Oriented programming + the MVCA architectural design pattern: Whilst the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern is …

Public Diagrams by Others

#2394 Untitled GoldRush
Created by: None   private
Language: Unknown
Repository: Thorsteinn-H/GoldRush  github
Commit: master
#854 Plaid-PlantUML.puml
Created by: MarwanRefaat   published
Language: Unknown
Repository: marwanrefaat/PlantUML  github
Commit: main
Tags: plaid
#287 Untitled sample_python_uml
Created by: None   private
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master