#10 "gui showdown" medium article - Python gui.py

fallback image probably showing plantuml error image



Diagram Information

Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/abulka.github.io  github
Commit: master


From my forthcoming article - here is a sample:

Implementing Object Oriented MVC in Python and also in plain Javascript vs. Vue.js Javascript framework

Is converting a plain Javascript GUI app to OO MVC worth it?

The Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern is almost universally acknowledged as a good thing — it separates the concerns of the model from the view, with the controller responding to events and populating the GUI.

But does the average Javascript (and JQuery) programmer, who is building a web app, and who is not using a fancy framework like Angular or Vue.js using MVC? Arguably if you have a JSON data structure that you want to visualise (the model), and some GUI event handler functions (controllers) then you are doing some form of MVC. 

I believe there are benefits to introducing proper controller classes and Observer design pattern events to your GUI apps, and doing MVC in a more organised way.

I believe there are benefits to introducing proper controller classes and Observer design pattern events to your GUI apps, and doing MVC in a more organised way. 

So I went about building a small, simple, traditional form based application in Javascript in three different ways!

  • A simple, ad-hoc, plainjavascript/JQuery implementation
  • An Object Oriented, MVC(Model View Controller) implementation utilising the Observer design pattern
  • Vue.jsimplementation
I built the various implementations in both Javascript and Python

I built the various implementations in both Javascript and Python — so that you can chose which language you are more familiar with. The main article uses Javascriptand the DOM for its discussion and examples. 

The Python implementation has a section at the bottom of the article.

Modules being visualised

List of repository modules/files being visualised in the above diagram: