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Featured Diagrams

Here are a list of featured diagrams, showing the kind of things you can do with GitUML.

Sample GitUML Python Repository

#29 classic inheritance, multiplicity etc s…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * inheritance * association * association with one to many * modules containing classes The one to many is had to detect. GitUML scans Python source code for ".append" operations and deduces its a one to many.
#194 multiple inheritance
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * multiple inheritance
#195 command pattern - design pattern
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample design pattern
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise the command design pattern. There are some unit tests in the same module, which are also visualised.

Javascript Diagrams

#188 What 'JQuery' looks like
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-js
Description: This is a diagram showing what Jquery looks like, when analysed using GitUML's ability to visualise functions as boxes.


#23 java-nested packages torture test
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Java
Repository: abulka/java-nested  github
Commit: 2b88837f12003993db859aa6acfef77e1def67ef
Tags: featured-java
Description: I use this source code as a torture test example for implementing java-nested package visualisation. I (the author of GitUML) also recently added optimisations so that nest packages with no classes would collapse into **a.b.c** etc. syntax rather than showing one nest…

TodoMVC Related

#134 TodoMVC Object Oriented Controllers imp…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: The TodoMVC "rosetta stone" app - implemented using Object Oriented Controllers. This diagram shows the event flow, visualised using using literate code mapping. Notice how effective _colours_ are in following the event flow. This project is a Javascript implementat…
#170 TodoMVC-ECS (Entity Component System im…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-ecs  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: Here is the architecture of my TodoMVC-ecs project which is the classic TodoMVC app implemented using ECS, a gaming architecture. I chose to use the javascript Jecs library - pictured here. # Entity Component System • TodoMVC Is the Entity Component System any good …
#181 MVCA-architecture
Created by: admin   published
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: ## MVCA Architectural Pattern The TodoMVC-OO project fully implements the TodoMVC specification. It is implemented without a framework, using plain Object Oriented programming + the MVCA architectural design pattern: Whilst the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern is …


#533 Toolback /list flow
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/toolback  github
Commit: main
Tags: toolback list literate code map python featured-py-misc
Description: This is an example of a literate code map analysis of a bunch of classes and modules, following what calls what, and what parameters are being passed. The problem is that the 'user' parameter needs to be passed down into the functions - which is tricky, and the code m…

Python - Pynsource repository

#1 App class in Pynsource
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-pynsource
Description: The App class owns an instance of Controller. The App class also has a Boot() method, as well as a Shutdown() method. The Controller is defined thus: class Controller: def __init__(self, app): = app self.cmd_mgr = CommandManager(100) …
#5 pynsource - view
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-pynsource
#6 pynsource - GUI
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: app canvas featured-py-pynsource
Description: The main app class **MainApp** is different to the App class in Pynsource \- containing the main GUI handlers. It points to a `umlcanvas` which is where all the fancy drawing is done, using the wxPython GUI toolkit. Here are some screenshots of what's possible to dra…

Public Diagrams by Others

#2136 multiple inheritance copy
Created by: None   private
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * multiple inheritance
#287 Untitled sample_python_uml
Created by: None   private
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
#44 C4_Container Diagram Sample - techtribe…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: c4 architecture
Description: Ask somebody in the building industry to visually communicate the architecture of a building and you'll be presented with site plans, floor plans, elevation views, cross-section views and detail drawings. In contrast, ask a software developer to communicate the softwar…
#12 pynsource app and base cmd
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: command pattern
Description: Most of the commands in Pynsource are wrapped in command objects, which have an **execute** , undo and redo method. This is a classic use of the Command design pattern. ![]( Comman…
#11 Entity Component System architecture - …
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/wx_esper  github
Commit: master
Description: This is the architecture referred to in my forthcoming article. Here is a sample: ### Building traditional GUIs with the Entity Component System #### Is the Entity Component System any good for building traditional GUIs? Continuation of my Gui Showdown -- ECS vs Pl…
#10 "gui showdown" medium article - Python …
Created by: abulka   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/  github
Commit: master
Description: From my forthcoming article - here is a sample: ### Implementing Object Oriented MVC in Python and also in plain Javascript vs. Vue.js Javascript framework Is converting a plain Javascript GUI app to OO MVC worth it? The Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern is…
#4 Slightly larger architectural picture r…
Created by: testing   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: app command pattern
Description: A slightly larger architectural picture of **App** , **Cmd** and **Controller** classes in Pynsource.