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Featured Diagrams

Here are a list of featured diagrams, showing the kind of things you can do with GitUML.

Sample GitUML Python Repository

#29 classic inheritance, multiplicity etc s…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * inheritance * association * association with one to many * modules containing classes The one to many is had to detect. GitUML scans Python source code for ".append" operations and deduces its a one to many.
#194 multiple inheritance
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise * multiple inheritance
#195 command pattern - design pattern
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-py-sample design pattern
Description: This example shows how GitUML can visualise the command design pattern. There are some unit tests in the same module, which are also visualised.

Javascript Diagrams

#81 javascript - graph and edge
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: trekhleb/javascript-algorithms  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-js
Description: In computer science, a graph is an abstract data type that is meant to implement the undirected graph and directed graph concepts from mathematics, specifically the field of graph theory A graph data structure consists of a finite (and possibly mutable) set of vertice…
#89 Disjoint Set
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: trekhleb/javascript-algorithms  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-js
Description: Disjoint-set data structure (also called a union-find data structure or merge- find set) is a data structure that tracks a set of elements partitioned into a number of disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets. It provides near-constant-time operations (bounded by the inverse…
#188 What 'JQuery' looks like
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-js
Description: This is a diagram showing what Jquery looks like, when analysed using GitUML's ability to visualise functions as boxes.


#86 csharp example
Created by: admin   published
Language: CSharp
Repository: SolutionsDesign/Algorithmia  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-csharp
Description: C# support now in GitUML! This example taken from Algorithmia GitHub repository - some random namespaces and classes being visualised. C# support currently being enhanced to support namespaces being visualised as packages.

TodoMVC Related

#134 TodoMVC Object Oriented Controllers imp…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: The TodoMVC "rosetta stone" app - implemented using Object Oriented Controllers. This diagram shows the event flow, visualised using using literate code mapping. Notice how effective _colours_ are in following the event flow. This project is a Javascript implementat…
#168 jecs architecture (Entity Component Sys…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: zakplus/jecs  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: Entity Component System frameworks are actually relatively simple. They offer ways of: 1. defining Entities, 2. adding Components (data objects) to those entity instances, 3. defining Systems \- which are code blocks which run across subsets of matched Component…
#170 TodoMVC-ECS (Entity Component System im…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: abulka/todomvc-ecs  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: Here is the architecture of my TodoMVC-ecs project which is the classic TodoMVC app implemented using ECS, a gaming architecture. I chose to use the javascript Jecs library - pictured here. # Entity Component System • TodoMVC Is the Entity Component System any good …
#181 MVCA-architecture
Created by: admin   published
Language: Unknown
Repository: abulka/todomvc-oo  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-todomvc
Description: ## MVCA Architectural Pattern The TodoMVC-OO project fully implements the TodoMVC specification. It is implemented without a framework, using plain Object Oriented programming + the MVCA architectural design pattern: Whilst the MVC (Model View Controller) pattern is …

Objective C

#175 DZNEmptyDataSet Application and AppDele…
Created by: admin   published
Language: ObjectiveC
Repository: dzenbot/DZNEmptyDataSet  github
Commit: master
Tags: uitableview empty datasets application mac featured-objc
Description: This is a diagram generated from an Objective C project on Github called DZNEmptyDataSet a drop-in UITableView/UICollectionView superclass category for showing empty datasets whenever the view has no content to display. This diagram looks at the AppDelegate and Applica…
#176 DZNEmptyDataSet Colours
Created by: admin   published
Language: ObjectiveC
Repository: dzenbot/DZNEmptyDataSet  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-objc
Description: This is a diagram generated from an Objective C project on Github, with files from the Colors subdirectory. You can also play with Objective C code using the new UML fiddle pages.``

Delphi / Free Pascal pas

#193 Delphi jcl - OnFileOk(), OnFolderChange… pas
Created by: admin   published
Language: Pascal
Repository: project-jedi/jcl  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-pascal
Description: Reverse engineering of the Delphi with some literate code map diagram enhancements surrounding the use of OnFileOk(), OnFolderChange(). # JEDI Code Library The JEDI Code Library (JCL) consists of a set of thoroughly tested and full…
#87 JclOpenDialogHooks from jcl / JEDI Cod… pas
Created by: admin   published
Language: Pascal
Repository: project-jedi/jcl  github
Commit: master
Tags: featured-pascal
Description: Example of Delphi/Free Pascal reverse engineering - based on # JEDI Code Library The JEDI Code Library (JCL) consists of a set of thoroughly tested and fully documented utility functions and non-visual classes which can be instantly reused in your Delphi and C++ Buil…

Public Diagrams by Others

#2514 Mediator - design_patterns_in_typescript
Created by: admin   published
Language: Typescript
Repository: torokmark/design_patterns_in_typescript  github
Commit: main
Tags: typescript
Description: An example of a diagram generated from Typescript files.
#2113 C# example dec 2023 - Binary Heap
Created by: admin   published
Language: CSharp
Repository: SolutionsDesign/Algorithmia  github
Commit: master
Tags: c# example
Description: Example for customer David.
#1867 Amp Project example for Jay
Created by: admin   published
Language: Javascript
Repository: ampproject/  github
Commit: future
#1626 caffeine java
Created by: admin   published
Language: Java
Repository: ben-manes/caffeine  github
Commit: master
#100 pyplecs/
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: tinix84/pyplecs  github
Commit: master
Description: As referred to by pynsource issue Not sure what is causing the crash in pynsource, but it parses OK in GitUML.
#44 C4_Container Diagram Sample - techtribe…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/sample_python_uml  github
Commit: master
Tags: c4 architecture
Description: Ask somebody in the building industry to visually communicate the architecture of a building and you'll be presented with site plans, floor plans, elevation views, cross-section views and detail drawings. In contrast, ask a software developer to communicate the softwar…
#28 matplotlib collections
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: matplotlib/matplotlib  github
Commit: master
Description: Not quite all the collection classes are visualised, in order to fit them into the diagram.
#27 matplotlib backend_bases
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: matplotlib/matplotlib  github
Commit: master
Description: The «module» backend_managers contains various classes: * ToolTriggerEvent * ToolManagerMessageEvent * ToolManager Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication-quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environment…
#26 tensorflow compute_bleu and how its tes…
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: tensorflow/models  github
Commit: 7212436440eaa11293ca84befcc5d8327109ea76
Description: This is a visualisation of a tiny bit of TensorFlow, the 'transformer' package's 'compute_bleu' modules and **tests**. This TensorFlow repository contains a number of different models implemented in TensorFlow: The official models are a collection of example models t…
#25 tensorflow params dict
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: tensorflow/models  github
Commit: 7212436440eaa11293ca84befcc5d8327109ea76
Description: The ParamsDict class of TensorFlow has this description: Instantiate a ParamsDict given a set of default parameters and a list of restrictions. Upon initialization, it validates itself by checking all the defined restrictions, and raise error if it finds inconsistency…
#16 signals and signing django
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: django/django  github
Commit: master
Description: Just a couple more Django modules visualised. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writin…
#15 Django registry
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: django/django  github
Commit: master
Description: Django found in the **apps** package. Simple UML of a single module (python file).
#12 pynsource app and base cmd
Created by: admin   published
Language: Python
Repository: abulka/pynsource  github
Commit: master
Tags: command pattern
Description: Most of the commands in Pynsource are wrapped in command objects, which have an **execute** , undo and redo method. This is a classic use of the Command design pattern. ![]( Comman…